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Originally from
The Surprise
Man: What the bleedin' hell!
Cyclist: Oh I'm so sorry!
Man: Minding our own business in a quiet cemetery and over the wall some IDIOT throws a bicycle! - I don't believe it.
Woman: That's what we were doing all right.
Cyclist: Boys chasing me. Said they kill me! Said the rock concert was canceled at the school, and for some reason I was going to pay for it.
Boy: I can still see the light from that bike, faggot, if you think you're hiding or something!...well look at this scene! Like something from out of art class or something.
Man: I hope you can run, wiseass.
Boy: I know YOU can't, fatass!
Cyclist: Uh, cold?
Woman: No.
Cyclist: My jacket?
Woman: It's okay
Cyclist: Sorry. I mean...my intru...uh, crit- critical moment.
Woman: There are critical moments and there are critical moments.
Cyclist: He he won't run far, I mean, uh, like he is
Woman: Yeah he will. You don't know him.
Cyclist: I'll stay here till he gets back
Woman: No need.
Cyclist: All kinds of weirdos around.
Woman: No argument there.
Cyclist: Are you sure...jacket?
Woman: No. I like the way I look and feel. Breeze on me you know? You would too, if you looked at me.
Cyclist: Excuse me?
Woman: We were only having sex. No big deal. Ooops, I do hear him coming back. I suggest you get out of here. He can be crazy - you heard him growl.
Cyclist: If you think I should.
Woman: Give me a call. Delky. I work at this church here. I know it's a funny way to meet, but I like biking too.