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Links Related To InformationAge
2001 | Apr 12 | Writings and Musings Bob Frankston's articles and essays.» |
i C S - INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY Journal for data/culture dorks.» |
Oct 29 | Sentient Computing Project Home Page ``What could we do if computer programs could see a model of the world? By acting within the world, we would be interacting with programs via the model. It would seem to us as though the whole world were a user interface.''» |
VNC - Virtual Network Computing from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge Open-source tool that allows you to view any desktop from another - Mac, Windows, Unix.» |
Dec 4 | The Moral Life of Geeks A previously unseen Kendall Clark on the moral questions geeks face in choosing their work.» |
Dec 28 | WordsEye WordsEye converts sentences to pictures. Type: “John stands on the floor and gives the tree to Mary.” WordsEye creates an image.» |
2002 | Sep 2 | Research at Microsoft The sheer number of research projects in play at Microsoft is skull-jarring. The number going on in Beijing is surprising. Lots of linguistics and applied statistics work.» |
Nov 17 | Sex in a Spreadsheet A story about the human side of data processing.» |
Dec 30 | Twisted Matrix Laboratories Useful-looking framework, in Python, for data sharing across a network inside of various applications.» |
2003 | Feb 5 | Circuits of Change Great piece of fiction about the total lack of corporate cultural resonsibility.» |
Mar 6 | Esther Dyson's Vision of 2023 Microchip pills, Steve Ballmer, and Moldovan newspapers.» |
Apr 28 | A Spell to free oneself from Excessive Computer Enchantment Majickal rebooting.» |
2004 | Apr 12 | Mark comes around to OpenOffice Be one of us! Be one of us! I use OpenOffice constantly, and save hundreds of dollars by doing so and am happier in the bargain (some tiny MSWord incompatibilities aside). Don't forget the extraordinarily well-documented XML schema for each document type. Never forget!» |
Apr 13 | Cyberkinetics, Inc. “Turning thought into action.”» |
Tiny Brain Implants Once there's an emacs mode and Eclipse plugin for this, I'm down.» |
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